Come On People, Is it Really That Hard?!
Posted by Angel at 10:35 PM Labels: courtesy, craiglist, e-mailsSo, I'm getting rid of a bunch of stuff via Craiglist. I've had a lot of people contact me about my stuff and so far only one of them so far has resulted in someone actually meeting me and exchanging money for said item. I have several e-mails since Sunday. I'm always very prompt and courteous when responding to people. So why do these people just leave me hanging? I had to e-mail one guy again today after he e-mailed me earlier today asking if he still wanted to meet to see the bike. Only after the 2nd e-mail, did he respond back saying that he was sorry and didn't realized that the bike was a woman's bike. I have a feeling a lot of the other guys who e-mailed me probably had the same reaction and just dropped me like a hot potato. Let's not even get me started on the couple that had me waiting 30 minutes outside the nearby mall after exchanging several e-mails and never showed and never e-mailed me back. . nothing. Have we really become this discourteous? Sheesh!
I hear you Angel. I inherited this homemade bookcase when I bought my house, one I have no use for, and the woman that was supposed to come pick it up just flaked out. I say if you're not going to follow through, then don't even commit!
Rebecca said...
12:10 AM