Leah, My NerdGirl Twin

angel: this ban on chat clients and certain website really ticks me off

Leah: ooh websites tooo?!

angel: we actually support some of these programs in our apps and i can't research anything on them while inside the firewall
yeah, can't get to aol.com

Leah: doh

angel: plaxo.com
maybe i'll just do it from home then
so annoying
and then internal msn messenger hardly works consistently

Leah: yeah our connection is flaky too
our firewalls block every port too! thats annoying.

angel: ergh. . i miss the freedom

Leah: i cant see our home computer or remote into it
i kno..

angel: i know . . me neither

Leah: we should become internet era hippies

angel: LOL
haa haa
shaaaaare man shaaaaare

Leah: let the packets flooow

angel: LOL


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